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Romeo and Juliet

by William Shakespeare

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Directed by


Original score by JOHN KENNY



Duration: 90 min.

Q&A: can be arranged

Study material: free of charge


Dan Wilder - Mercutio  

Nina Schlautmann - Juliet

Glyn Connop  - Lord Capiulet/Benvolio

Kim Baker  - Nurse

Enzo Benvenuti -  Romeo

Clark Alexander - Tybalt/Friar 


TNT Theatre has developed an international reputation for presenting dynamic, exciting and direct productions of Shakespeare's major works. Live music, powerful choreography and a simple performance style allow a modern audience to experience Shakespeare's great love story as an Elizabethan audience might have done at a London theatre some four hundred years ago. In this production the play is freed from clichés. Verona is brought to the stage in all its classical glory, Latin passion and baroque decadence. This is an Italy where honour, pride and family loyalty are valued above morality, peace and love.


TNT works carefully to bring out the true richness and depth of Shakespeare. This approach has been much appreciated by a wide audience who is often surprised at how accessible and relevant Shakespeare's plays become when they are performed in the manner Shakespeare might have intended. ​


The music for this production comprises both recorded instrumental and live vocal elements. In addition to original composition, John Kenny has arranged and adapted many baroque vocal and instrumental works, which are performed on historical instruments by The Scott Free Ensemble (baroque violin, alto & tenor sackbuts recorders, percussion, harpsichord and organ). This production tours widely in Europe and China this season and has visited over thirty countries since its premier ten years ago.

“We all loved your performance. Authentic Shakespeare, very captivating. A perfect organization.Thank you so much. This was a wonderful experience.”

S. Berti, teacher (SAN MARINO)


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