about us
about us
ARTED NET (ART EDUCATION NETWORK) has been created to advertise theatre performances and artistic projects. We work with several partners and we promote their work focusing on the educational and social purpose of each artistic project. We mediate between our audience and the theatre companies we advertise. We act as cultural bridges.
ARTED NET was created as a social initiative by two independent cultural managers, Federica Parise (Italy) and Domante Tirylyte (Lithuania). Their work spans education, performing arts, cultural management. The project (acting as somewhat of an arts' agency) wants to blend these different areas and make theatre, contemporary dance and circus accessible to all.
This is only the beginning for ARTED NET as the sole purpose of this agency is allowing schools/NGOs/cultural institutions to connect internationally, culturally and artistically through high-quality work of art.
- We adapt our ideas to your vision
- We apply for funding and residencies
- We write and proofread projects and grants applications
- We organize schedules, coordinate projects and people
- We advertise your goals and develop communication strategies

ARTED NET is a part of the international network for contemporary performing arts (IETM).